Hey all,, we are BACK! Sadly,, ha ha it was such an
amazing trip,, we had so much fun together!
Disneyland is definately a place where you can just let go and be a kid again,, no work, no worries, no stresses of daily life! :) It was so nice to spend some time with my honey, we got to re-live our honeymoon basically! Ha ha but this year we got to go with our cute friends Nate and Kiersten Garner! Can i just say it was a
BLAST! We had so much fun with these two,, haha we were a bunch of goofs the whole time,, but thats what made it that much better! I was SOO excited, because we stayed in the same hotel we did on our honeymoon! Can i just say it was the BEST EVER! It was a very neat thing to think,, look how far we have come,, and look what we have accomplished since we were last here. I am even more in
love with my husband, and he is the most caring,loving amazing man. I am very lucky to be his forever! We are very much in love,,, HOW GREAT IS THAT!! :) Two years almost,, and on to ETERNITY! I love you Christopher James Hill! <3
Here is a bunch of pictures i took over our fun trip.. Enjoy!


How would it be to live here,,, man I think i would feel like a princess everyday!

Us Girlies

The goofball boys :)

teacups,,,need i say more haha

Yes,, at the end of the day my hair went in a ponytail,,, not my favorite haha guess thats what rides do to lovely curls.

World Of Color,,, SO NEAT!


Haha Chris's Face is adorable,, i had to post this one lol

Kisses on Valentines from my Valentine! On valenties I did not bring my camera,, i know LAME! But it was so amazing, chris made it very special! We were in DISNEYLAND,, how could it get better than that right?? We went to a VERY fancy dinner that night,, haha it was so fancy that they asked you what kind of water you wanted, tap, bottled, water from the valley,, i was all.. UMMMM whatever is cheapest haha! I felt kinda like royalty! Chris spoiled me! I love him So much! :) Best Valentine's! I love being MARRIED! Best thing ever! <3

Sad to go home!! :(

We had the funnest time, we were sad to come home, but its nice to know we can go back!! :) We are back to the daily grind,, work, school, lonely nights, macaroni and cheese for dinner haha. But we are LOVING life right now! Its almost our two year anniversary, and i cannot believe it!! Its been the best two years, i am verrry excited to see what the future holds! <3
We are moving into our townhome APRIL 16th!! yep,, its official!
I am beyond EXCITED,, if you cannot already tell!
I'll give more details later!!
Pictures to come soon of our cute house!
Untill Next time
Love Ya'll <3
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