Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Yess, I am a HORRIBLE blogger I know know that,, everyone knows that. End of storry. :)
Its been the funnest month EVER! Family time, Husband time, and just having a blast. My camera was no where to be found, so this Christmas i did not have any pictures.. We filmed it but,, no pictures! :( So we still have the memories,, Just none that will be on this lovely blog. This Christmas we spent it with both families, went to tons of parties, ate tons of junk food ( now i am wishing i hadn't ate,,,, dang fudge) and just were all together! This christmas was bitter sweet because it was the last christmas that we would have both our families so close!! It is so nice to have both of our families close, becuase we can equally spend time with both. But Chris's family is moving to LOGAN,, not to farr,, but still! We will miss going over there randomly, becuase now,, it will have to be more of a "planned" drive. We will still see them lots, it will just be something we will have to adjust to.
It was such a great holiday though.. we got spoiled by the parents, spoiled by the grandparents and of course we spolied eachother with fun gifts, pluss we are going to DISNEYLAND!! I know I have mentioned it already, but i am just BEYOND excited!! We are going in FEBRUARY so in a month we will be flying to disneyland!! We are staying in the same hotel we did on our honeymoon,, so it wil be fun to re-live that time in our life :).
Over-all I say it was a pretty good christmas and new-years! For new years we got invited by our cute friends Brett & Jentry to go to their house and party! There was a TON of other fun couples there that we definately plan to hang out with again! It was just so fun to meet new people, see old friends, and just hang out! Pluss I had the BEST NEW YEARS KISS EVER!! I am sooo lucky to have another amazing year and all eternity with my husband! He is the best thing that could ever happen to me,, I am so lucky to have him as my husband <3.
Another exciting tid bit... we chose our paint, tile, countertops, cupboards, and carpet for our townhome today!! I am SOO excited!! For a while we were trying to decide if a townhome was the best option for us. We thought about it , and we decided that we live in it for 5 years,, save up for a house, and then rent it out to someone! GREAT right! Its a pretty good option, I know some people that have done that, and they are soo happy with it. So,, it will be a good thing! Plus the townhomes are SOOO PRETTY! I am very excited! We will be the FIRST people to live in it, everything is BRAND NEW, so why not?! :)
Thats a small recap of whats been goin on at the HILL house.
Promise it wont be forever untill I post again!
Untill next time.
Love Ya'll <3

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