Morgan & Chris
Friday, February 24, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
lovin husband time in DISNEYLAND
Hey all,, we are BACK! Sadly,, ha ha it was such an amazing trip,, we had so much fun together!
Disneyland is definately a place where you can just let go and be a kid again,, no work, no worries, no stresses of daily life! :) It was so nice to spend some time with my honey, we got to re-live our honeymoon basically! Ha ha but this year we got to go with our cute friends Nate and Kiersten Garner! Can i just say it was a BLAST! We had so much fun with these two,, haha we were a bunch of goofs the whole time,, but thats what made it that much better! I was SOO excited, because we stayed in the same hotel we did on our honeymoon! Can i just say it was the BEST EVER! It was a very neat thing to think,, look how far we have come,, and look what we have accomplished since we were last here. I am even more in love with my husband, and he is the most caring,loving amazing man. I am very lucky to be his forever! We are very much in love,,, HOW GREAT IS THAT!! :) Two years almost,, and on to ETERNITY! I love you Christopher James Hill! <3
Here is a bunch of pictures i took over our fun trip.. Enjoy!
How would it be to live here,,, man I think i would feel like a princess everyday!

Us Girlies
The goofball boys :)

teacups,,,need i say more haha

Yes,, at the end of the day my hair went in a ponytail,,, not my favorite haha guess thats what rides do to lovely curls.
World Of Color,,, SO NEAT!

Haha Chris's Face is adorable,, i had to post this one lol
Kisses on Valentines from my Valentine! On valenties I did not bring my camera,, i know LAME! But it was so amazing, chris made it very special! We were in DISNEYLAND,, how could it get better than that right?? We went to a VERY fancy dinner that night,, haha it was so fancy that they asked you what kind of water you wanted, tap, bottled, water from the valley,, i was all.. UMMMM whatever is cheapest haha! I felt kinda like royalty! Chris spoiled me! I love him So much! :) Best Valentine's! I love being MARRIED! Best thing ever! <3
Sad to go home!! :(
We had the funnest time, we were sad to come home, but its nice to know we can go back!! :) We are back to the daily grind,, work, school, lonely nights, macaroni and cheese for dinner haha. But we are LOVING life right now! Its almost our two year anniversary, and i cannot believe it!! Its been the best two years, i am verrry excited to see what the future holds! <3
Disneyland is definately a place where you can just let go and be a kid again,, no work, no worries, no stresses of daily life! :) It was so nice to spend some time with my honey, we got to re-live our honeymoon basically! Ha ha but this year we got to go with our cute friends Nate and Kiersten Garner! Can i just say it was a BLAST! We had so much fun with these two,, haha we were a bunch of goofs the whole time,, but thats what made it that much better! I was SOO excited, because we stayed in the same hotel we did on our honeymoon! Can i just say it was the BEST EVER! It was a very neat thing to think,, look how far we have come,, and look what we have accomplished since we were last here. I am even more in love with my husband, and he is the most caring,loving amazing man. I am very lucky to be his forever! We are very much in love,,, HOW GREAT IS THAT!! :) Two years almost,, and on to ETERNITY! I love you Christopher James Hill! <3
Here is a bunch of pictures i took over our fun trip.. Enjoy!
We are moving into our townhome APRIL 16th!! yep,, its official!
I am beyond EXCITED,, if you cannot already tell!
I'll give more details later!!
Pictures to come soon of our cute house!
Untill Next time
Love Ya'll <3
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Yess, I am a HORRIBLE blogger I know know that,, everyone knows that. End of storry. :)
Its been the funnest month EVER! Family time, Husband time, and just having a blast. My camera was no where to be found, so this Christmas i did not have any pictures.. We filmed it but,, no pictures! :( So we still have the memories,, Just none that will be on this lovely blog. This Christmas we spent it with both families, went to tons of parties, ate tons of junk food ( now i am wishing i hadn't ate,,,, dang fudge) and just were all together! This christmas was bitter sweet because it was the last christmas that we would have both our families so close!! It is so nice to have both of our families close, becuase we can equally spend time with both. But Chris's family is moving to LOGAN,, not to farr,, but still! We will miss going over there randomly, becuase now,, it will have to be more of a "planned" drive. We will still see them lots, it will just be something we will have to adjust to.
It was such a great holiday though.. we got spoiled by the parents, spoiled by the grandparents and of course we spolied eachother with fun gifts, pluss we are going to DISNEYLAND!! I know I have mentioned it already, but i am just BEYOND excited!! We are going in FEBRUARY so in a month we will be flying to disneyland!! We are staying in the same hotel we did on our honeymoon,, so it wil be fun to re-live that time in our life :).
Over-all I say it was a pretty good christmas and new-years! For new years we got invited by our cute friends Brett & Jentry to go to their house and party! There was a TON of other fun couples there that we definately plan to hang out with again! It was just so fun to meet new people, see old friends, and just hang out! Pluss I had the BEST NEW YEARS KISS EVER!! I am sooo lucky to have another amazing year and all eternity with my husband! He is the best thing that could ever happen to me,, I am so lucky to have him as my husband <3.
Another exciting tid bit... we chose our paint, tile, countertops, cupboards, and carpet for our townhome today!! I am SOO excited!! For a while we were trying to decide if a townhome was the best option for us. We thought about it , and we decided that we live in it for 5 years,, save up for a house, and then rent it out to someone! GREAT right! Its a pretty good option, I know some people that have done that, and they are soo happy with it. So,, it will be a good thing! Plus the townhomes are SOOO PRETTY! I am very excited! We will be the FIRST people to live in it, everything is BRAND NEW, so why not?! :)
Thats a small recap of whats been goin on at the HILL house.
Promise it wont be forever untill I post again!
Untill next time.
Love Ya'll <3
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I DESPISE moving,, bleh! It is soooo not fun, but I do enjoy the fact we are out of that place. I mean I made it all cute and stufff,, made it our home. But,, yeah ,, lets jsut say glad to be out. I will always miss it in a way ,, becuase i was our F I R S T place together. Lots of memories :).
So we are currently living at my wonderful grandparents for a few months untill our townhome is built!! I cannot tell you how E X C I T E D i am!
It is in Riverdale, has four beds three and a 1/2 baths, and the cutest kitchen EVER! We decided we are only gonna make it three bed though, and turn the basement into like a movie room. Since it is getting bulit we can say how we want it to look inside. :) I am kinda stressing though,,,we are meeting with the guy to tell him our paint choices, tile choices, granite countertop choices, and so many different things of what we want in our house. I cannot decide, I have a couple of different options in mind,,so I pray that I dont totally screw it up. I am beoynd thrillled though.
It bascially is our B I G christmas present... lol and anniversary present,, and birthday present, and whatever else you can think of present. We stil need to find a couch, and i am a huge fan of decorating,,, so decorations will be needed :).
We found some killer deals already,, and purchased a TV, and we found a KILLER deal on a LG washer and dryer. They are soo pretty,, i cannot wait to wash our clothes,, silly right. I was litterally jumping for joy when we picked them up. We waited in line ALL NIGHT in the Freezing cold at RC Willeys for these items,, so you could say we were more then ready to go home with our new toys.
This Christmas will be different, since we are living out of boxes right now and Z E R O decorations are up , but I am sooo excited to be spending it with my sweet husband. We have had soo much fun together, and we are loving life right now. I am so lucky to have chris in my life, he is so good to me, and I LOVE him,, Verrrry much!
I'll post pictures soon of our house,, so far there is a WALLL,,,, yay ha ha.
I have been really bad at taking pictures, But i'll be better promise!
Love ya'll <3
So we are currently living at my wonderful grandparents for a few months untill our townhome is built!! I cannot tell you how E X C I T E D i am!
It is in Riverdale, has four beds three and a 1/2 baths, and the cutest kitchen EVER! We decided we are only gonna make it three bed though, and turn the basement into like a movie room. Since it is getting bulit we can say how we want it to look inside. :) I am kinda stressing though,,,we are meeting with the guy to tell him our paint choices, tile choices, granite countertop choices, and so many different things of what we want in our house. I cannot decide, I have a couple of different options in mind,,so I pray that I dont totally screw it up. I am beoynd thrillled though.
It bascially is our B I G christmas present... lol and anniversary present,, and birthday present, and whatever else you can think of present. We stil need to find a couch, and i am a huge fan of decorating,,, so decorations will be needed :).
We found some killer deals already,, and purchased a TV, and we found a KILLER deal on a LG washer and dryer. They are soo pretty,, i cannot wait to wash our clothes,, silly right. I was litterally jumping for joy when we picked them up. We waited in line ALL NIGHT in the Freezing cold at RC Willeys for these items,, so you could say we were more then ready to go home with our new toys.
This Christmas will be different, since we are living out of boxes right now and Z E R O decorations are up , but I am sooo excited to be spending it with my sweet husband. We have had soo much fun together, and we are loving life right now. I am so lucky to have chris in my life, he is so good to me, and I LOVE him,, Verrrry much!
I'll post pictures soon of our house,, so far there is a WALLL,,,, yay ha ha.
I have been really bad at taking pictures, But i'll be better promise!
Love ya'll <3
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wow,, it really has been way too long since I have blogged! No good excuses,, just LIFE is busy! My Sweet husband works the night shift,,, can I just say its the HARDEST thing to sleep alone!! Its been about three weeks,, I am getting more used to it,, but man its NO FUN! He has 4 days on 4 days off,, (yes i am being a baby about it). But I have a hard time being alone .... PERIOD. LUCKILY my sweet parents live so close,, because I spend most nights there when he is working. I am so greatful that he got this position,, its difficult right now,, but it will be SOO WORTH IT! He works so hard , and I am so greatful for him! I LOVE YOU husband!
Then I mentioned that we are house hunting now! YES we are! LOVIN IT! We found a gorgeous townhome, its 3 bed 31/2 bath so its pretty big. I fell in LOVE when i saw it. Its so pretty,, and it will be SO fun to decorate. We figured we could definately start a family there, and would be prefectly happy living there. But in the meantime,,,, our contract is up at our apartment,, I am SOOO excited to finally be getting out of there. I liked it,, but man it was so NOT worth the money. So we are going to live in my amazing grandparents basement for a few months! They are the greatest! They have a deal with the family,, that as long as your going to school rent is free to lve in the basement! So no rent for three months!! YES PLEASE! Its a pretty good sized basement,, so its PERFECT that they are letting us live there for a few months.
We are loving life right now! I feel SO BLESSED to have great family, great husband, great friends, and just to be well and healthy. There are sooo many things to be greatful for! Thanksgiving is aroung the corner,, and over the past few days I have been reflecting on all that has happend the past couple months. Soo much has happend,, so many good things
I just am so HAPPY, and greatful for all that I have in my life!
Just taking one day at a time with a SMILE... :)
Well, promise it wont be forever until I post again!
Love ya'll <3
PS.. WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! I'll give more details later!
Then I mentioned that we are house hunting now! YES we are! LOVIN IT! We found a gorgeous townhome, its 3 bed 31/2 bath so its pretty big. I fell in LOVE when i saw it. Its so pretty,, and it will be SO fun to decorate. We figured we could definately start a family there, and would be prefectly happy living there. But in the meantime,,,, our contract is up at our apartment,, I am SOOO excited to finally be getting out of there. I liked it,, but man it was so NOT worth the money. So we are going to live in my amazing grandparents basement for a few months! They are the greatest! They have a deal with the family,, that as long as your going to school rent is free to lve in the basement! So no rent for three months!! YES PLEASE! Its a pretty good sized basement,, so its PERFECT that they are letting us live there for a few months.
We are loving life right now! I feel SO BLESSED to have great family, great husband, great friends, and just to be well and healthy. There are sooo many things to be greatful for! Thanksgiving is aroung the corner,, and over the past few days I have been reflecting on all that has happend the past couple months. Soo much has happend,, so many good things
I just am so HAPPY, and greatful for all that I have in my life!
Just taking one day at a time with a SMILE... :)
Well, promise it wont be forever until I post again!
Love ya'll <3
PS.. WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! I'll give more details later!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Guess What
Did i mention...
and YES we are VERRY excited!
that also means we can..... Drumroll again
even more exciting right?! We sure think so!
love whats happening in my life right now... i will keep all updated as of what goes down.
love ya'll
and YES we are VERRY excited!
that also means we can..... Drumroll again
even more exciting right?! We sure think so!
love whats happening in my life right now... i will keep all updated as of what goes down.
love ya'll
Our Weekend
On FRIDAY Chris and I had the E N T I R E day together, I Loved it! We dont get these kinds of days very often,, so when we knew we had the whole day, we didnt wanna spoil one minute. We woke up really early made a good breakfast, and off to the GATEWAY we went. We walked around to every store imaginable, ate yummy chinese food, and bought some cute clothes at BUCKLE! ( pretty much my fav store now). LOOOVE IT! We then went to Marshalls and Ross in Farmington. I ended up not getting anything there because I was pretty much shopped out, i didnt think that was possible .. for me anyways lol. Then after that we went to the CHS homecoming game! It was so much fun cheering on our good ole' high school!
They lost pretty bad actullay :(, but its all good! Will do better next time!
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